Monday 27 June 2011

Gift Bags

If anyone would like to buy gift bags or baskets please get in contact with us! we can offer lots of lovely gifts for any budget they are ideal for any birthday. Just visit us at soapheaven have a look and email us and we will be there to help!

Thursday 9 June 2011

Monday 30 May 2011

soap scents

Was thinking about what would be our next soap aroma and its got me wondering what's your favourite soapy smell? Are you flowery or fruity, soft and soothing or zingy and energizing?? 
Leave us a comment and let us know what you think!
Maybe your fruity and flowery all at the same time! 


soapheaven have been doing lots of fairs round about our area so we can talk to our people see what they think of our products and it has gone very well!

One soap that has gone down very well is our Hiwaiian mango soap, it has a very fresh smell and if you close your eyes and take a whiff you will find yourself drifting off to the tropics. The colours of this soap also fit in well with a lot of bathroom so for people who love these soaps to decorate then not only do they look wonderful but the room will fill with a beautiful aroma.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Strawberry Milkshake Handmade Candle

Thought it was about time I told you about our candles.
This strawberry milkshake candle smells divine. Its funky, fresh, bold and will have all your friends asking where it came from! Our candle comes in a lovely tin and has 25 hours burn time so you can get plenty of use from it. All our candles are handmade from a small company in Glasgow, Scotland everything they make is wonderful and very high quality!
so get down to soap heaven to have a look at more!  

Monday 16 May 2011

Rose Petals Handmade Bathbomb

If you like the finer things in life then what could be better that sitting in a lovely bath with the aroma of sweet red roses and petals swirling in the water round you!
This bathbomb is huge at 200g  so you could even half it and get twice the pleasure! 
At soap heaven there is something for everyone so plan a night to treat your self you and your skin will be glad you did

Craft Fairs

That is us starting to get everything ready for two sales this weekend, I am doing a summer fair at my old primary school cant wait to see what the place is like now it has been so long wondering if any of the staff are the same! Mum is doing her fair in a local church but it should be busy! 
 Wish soap heaven luck this weekend! 